> Passaporte;
> Documento oficial que trata da estadia (I-20, DS etc.);
> Social Security (se houver);
> Carteira de motorista do país de origem (se houver); e
> Peso e altura já convertidos nas medidas americanas (Pounds, para peso, e Feet and Inches, para altura).
> Algum documento extra de identificação do país de origem (certidão de casamento, preferivelmente, pois pode ser usado para ambos cônjuges, certidão de nascimento etc.)
Além da marcação do exame, poderá ser obtida a lista de tradutores oficiais, a fim de se providenciar a tradução do último documento listado, se exigido.
Para o teste de conhecimento, sugiro consultar o site Driving-Tests.org
As simulações oferecidas dão uma boa ideia do que esperar do teste.
Para o teste prático, os videos a seguir são úteis:
Há mais videos oficiais a serem vistos, a começar pelo número 8 (clique AQUI).
DICAS PRÁTICAS PARA PLYMOUTH, conforme o site Road Test in Plymouth
They will ask you the following, while seated in your car:
1. Adjustment of seat
2. Belt
3. Brake - emergency break
4. Lights - high and low beam
5. Defrosters - front and back
6. Fan control
Once you are done, they will give you information about the road you will be driving. Prior to your departure, you will be parked in front of a one way road, there are slot 1, 2, 3 and 4. You will be told at the registration window which space you will be parking. Park carefully so that during your eventual departure you will have a good start to move and join the road.
Your car will be parked right in front of a one way road. it will only turn to the right, from there on wards just follow their instructions. After a while you will either turn left or right. if you turn right just go right into the corner closest to the curb. if they tell you to turn left, then don't make the same mistake some funny guy made (he was driving in front of me) lol, by turning to left closest to the curb. remember once you see the yellow lines it's a two way road. There will be no signs or markings! once you see yellow lines treat it as a two way road.
Lane change - Make sure you look left, right and your back - just do lots of exaggerated observations and I mean exaggerated. It's not normal driving, remember you are doing for them! don't forget to use your signals.
Parallel parking - The usual stuff, go through with your instructor - remember the first cut is the deepest. don't try to over adjust. they consider that your car is parked when in between, not too close to front or back poles and keep close to the curb.
90 parking - They will ask to move all the way until the front of the car is inline with the poles.
Up hill park - close to the curb and turn your wheels away from the curb, and make sure you put the gear to parking point- i.e at the P - position and pull your emergency brakes, don't forget though to push back your emergency brakes ebfore you move. signal and then move on, while looking to the sides, SMOG in and SMOG out. Signal, Mirror, Over the shoulder and Go.
Turnings - Don't turn your wheel to left or right when making turns unless you are committed. you are committed acording to them once you look all around you, left, right and back and then turn the wheel to the corner you are going into.
Generally be calm. It is not allowed to drive and practice in that area, but it's a good idea to have a walk in the driving place and see around. It's not a big place, but knowing the roads and checking in advance on foot is really a good idea. It will be possible to know where to turn and when.
